Friday, January 8, 2010

Keeping Up With Computing

My question was simple, "How do I make a playlist of music"? Well, the answer had ten directions from my daughter for each step. She was trying to show me, and I knew I would not remember without trying it myself. She also added sticky notes with the directions and showed me ten features that go with that. There were ten more directions on how to buy Itunes. Ten more directions on loading a CD and downloading music. Ten more directions on loading music to my Ipod. I forgot to mention that I did not know my password, so there were ten directions to locate it. I had to walk away to get a breath of air while my head was spinning. I kept saying, "Just stick to one thing", and she kept saying, "Have patience, you are acting like a twelve year old". Oh, so this really was good training for her in motherhood, and she is not even married yet. I learned five new skills out of the hundred she gave me and she learned a few new ones as well. We kept hugging as I got them right. Now she is going back to college and I will be on my own again. I will miss you Hannah. Email me, blog to me, facebook me, text me, or just call once a week. She is a Communications major in Photo Journalism- send me a picture! If she can teach a techno illiterate like me she is ready to work in the real world. Are there any internships out there for the summer?