Saturday, March 26, 2011


There are a few people in the world that feel thy have enough money. Some give it away freely and others spend it quickly, even before they have earned it. Money gives people an identity and status whether they use it charitably or to amass material things. Money is power and the love of it causes corruption. Even in a normal situation where the dollar is not being used to deceive or used as an abuse of power, there are always issues. One problem is that couples seldom agree on a plan for saving and spending. Should they control their own earnings and split the expenses, or pool their salaries and invest it together? If financial struggles ensue, when is it appropriate to ask others (like their parents) for help, or should they arrange for a loan? I certainly like to feel that I contribute to my marriage financially and have some freedom to spend as I wish. But, I have given nearly all control to my husband. Perhaps that was my way of giving him my trust or it was my delusion that money was not important to our happiness. In fact, I have complained about his spending and his refusal to buy things I wanted for our home. Now that I'm in my fifties there is little that I want or need and I am trying to downsize and give away. Looking back, all I ever wanted from anyone was time together and loving relationships. What we have saved for our children and grand children may not be their style. We want them to have the best but to also realize that we have put to much importance on material things. They too just want to know they are loved. They want to spend time together. They don't care about the cars, or furnishings, or trust accounts. I hope we can take care of each other in a way that is healthy and not based on wealth. Thankfully, we know how to work hard and use what we have wisely. I would like to be remembered as being generous with my time and love. Let the money not be wasted or worshiped, but used only for the glory of God.