Wednesday, February 24, 2010


What do you do when one daughter is not fond of her sister's boyfriend? Three girls who got along beautifully, now claim they will boycott the other's wedding; not come to family reunions if the other is there; and even quit speaking to one another. Ridiculous I say! It is hard enough for a mother to let go, it is hard for a father to think of his baby girl as a grown up, but I didn't know it would be hard for sisters to accept "new children" into the family in the shape of men. Daddy was the only one, with occasional influence from grandpa. It may be that with time they will all feel comfortable, but until then there is many a rolled eye and heavy sigh when a boyfriend's name is mentioned. Can it be that no boy can be good enough for a baby sister. Can it be that sisters want to exercise control or just think of each other as playmates forever? All I know is that conflict is not healthy in this case. So, once again, I listen, I suggest, I try to explain, and then listen some more. The sisters seem to be doing my job and letting me be the "good cop". I hope I don't talk myself into accepting a situation that I don't like. It is not really my decision, though I now see the benefits of an arranged marriage. If the gentlemen like sports they will get along with my husband just fine. if they love my daughter with the loyalty and respect that I have been shown, they will get along with me just fine. Like my dad wrote in a letter to me," It takes a high level of admiration, respect, enjoyment, and passion to know that you have found and ideal mate." If my daughters have found all of these things, they are truly lucky and blessed.