Tuesday, December 7, 2010

How to love without ceasing...

Do all that you can with out expecting a return of any kind.
Cook, clean, shop, work, but do it for more than yourself.
Give hugs, kisses and back rubs.
Think of kind words of praise, and say them often.
Start your day with words of encouragement.
Offer your help and give it cheerfully.
Support others in their mission and their dreams.
Work as a team and by yourself with out complaint.
Rest but don't get lazy. Plan but don't be demanding.
Celebrate with song, dance and music.
Offer to others before you help yourself.
Never make one sandwich or pour one drink.
Find new ways to delight others with your creativity.
Have high expectations of yourself without demands on others.
Lead by example, follow your heart.
Provide with out keeping track.
Give generously.
Don't fret or nag but go back to the beginning and start all over.