Tuesday, September 7, 2010


Life seems simple when there are basic rules and standards that we all agree to follow. We would all be dead or crippled with out traffic rules- I am so thankful for the stoplight. if only we had stoplights in our head for all behaviors. Caution's yellow would slow us down constantly to look both ways before we make a choice. Red would warn us to stop or there will be dangerous outcomes, and green would give us such security about doing the right thing. Unless, someone else runs the red light and turns our green into a fateful accident. There are so many mixed messages about socially acceptable or politically correct behavior, that our internal light signals no longer protect us. Single girls are sexually involved, unmarried women are having babies, couples live together without legal permission or rights, and women abort babies they don't want or think they can't handle. These are all common occurrences that are supported by society even though many people may believe it is morally wrong. Women realize that they and their children are 90% of the poor in America, and undervalued in many countries of the world. So, how can we find security and meaningful lives in this century? We should start by controlling our sexuality and fight against the problem of the penis. Women are in relationships with no promises and no permanence because they believe that the freedom is empowering, when in fact it causes delays in their hopes and dreams.