Monday, May 9, 2011

Forgiveness and Funnybones

Forgiveness is the single and simple way to feel better and move on when there has been an insult, slight or snub. It is the only way, really, to free oneself of all the bad things that follow any injustice. Hitting the elbow can really zing, so why is it called the funny bone? I think we have one in our brain as well. Someone can say something insulting or cruel that everyone else finds so funny. If we laugh along, it hurts less. I jump around the room saying oo oo oo, when I hit that spot on my elbow. We could all try that next time someone throws a zinger at us. And then forgive them. Even better, tell them you are sorry for what ever caused them to be so hurtful. How do you forgive someone who neglects you. If you tell them, you become a nag. Rude behavior can also be purposely not including someone. There is so much doubt and confusion when someone is excluded. Are we friends or aren't we? Do people like me, if not what do I need to do differently? Keep a sense of humor no matter what. And perhaps you need to ask for forgiveness for something you said or did that was offensive. Time heals these wounds. But if there are scars and new wounds are opened; start afresh. It is easier to make amends with family than to move on. But, sadly, some frinedships come to an end and it is not the end of the world. A new job, a new town, a new group can work wonders to heal your heart and lift your spirit. Learn from past mistakes and try not to repeat them.

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