Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Favorite Sayings

My dad said, "He who finishes first gets to help the others". He was referring to our dessert which my mother served every night back in the days when we all sat down together as a family. Does anyone do that anymore? His saying could refer also to helping others in a charitable way if you complete your own work. Just for fun, I asked a table of men in the Mall to write down their favorite sayings. One said, "Clean mind, clean body". That reminds me of grandma's, "cleanliness is next to Godliness." Another said, "Bring a sack lunch and a friend". Now that sounds like an organizer or a fun loving trip taking person. I hope the future holds some sack lunch occasions for us still. A third said, "Six pack and a pizza". And that means instant party in every generation. I am not sure what I expected from a group of retired men that meet for coffee every day at 9am. Maybe,"Fish or cut bait", or, "Don't throw stones if you live in a glass house". My father-in-law like, "The one with the gold rules", as his favorite Golden Rule. I would love to hear more timeless sayings that are important to you my readers. My mom said, "You catch more bees with honey than with vinegar". But my all time favorite is, "Don't run for your life, write for your life". So, write thank you notes, stories, poems and journals. Write letters to the editor, sermons, articles, and contracts. Write it down and remember what you want people to know about you. But, be careful because the pen is mightier than the sword- and some words are hard to take back.

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